I am still in love with the purple packaging! I ordered: The Wisterio trio, Gladiola l/s, & Hot Frost l/g.

I can not WAIT to wear Gladiola(right) and Hot Frost(left)! When I ordered it, I honestly didn't think that it would fit my skin tone, but it does and I am ecstatic! I never wear bright lip color, so I'll do a FOTD with these reaalllyy soon!
NEXT UP!! Walgreens had a crazy clearance sale going on and I snatched up quite a few things and of course I had to share em' with ya'll!!! (YES ''ya'll'' lol)
I got: (2) Revlon lip palettes in Caramelt & RSV Pink, (3) Covergirl Trueshines in Coral Shine, Watermelon Shine, & Fire Shine, A Revlon shadow/liner duo in Set the Nude, Revlon blush in Hushed Blush (to be used as a highlight), Milani Sunset (bronzer/ blush) duo in Sunset Beach, & 3 sets of Wet N Wild lashes in Vivacious and Flirtatious (not pictured).

Top to bottom: Fire shine, Watermelon Shine, & Coral Shine. All of the CG Trueshines are pretty sheer but have buildable coverage. I'm trying to expand my lipstick collection and I'm very happy with these =)

This is the liner/shadow duo. The frosty beige color seems like it may be a good brow highlight. I'll have to try to liner, not sure how its "marble-ly goodness" will work on the lashline lol.

The Milani bronzer is good for this time of year. It seems like everyday I wake up a little paler than the day before so anything that adds a little bit of warmth definitely helps!
The revlon blush is pretty light, definitely couldn't be used for anything other than a highlight (on me anyway), but I couldn't beat getting an $11 blush for $2!!!
FINALLY!!! I got a few misc. items that I had been eyeing for a while and/or needed to replenish.

I had to get a new crystal nail file b/c I gave my Mommy the last one =) I also purchased Sally Hansen Diamond Shine base coat/top coat (Nail Post coming soon!!). I got one of the new Revlon Matte eyeshadows in Lushious Lime( i THINK thats the name...I could be wrong lol I'm @ work!!), Nivea creme for my purse, and FINALLY got the Loew Cornell brushes! They are supposedly dupes for the Mac shader brushes. I am very happy with them they are extremely soft and I can't wait to use them. Look for the purple handle!!!
Here's a quick swatch of the Revlon e/s.. This is the best picture I could get..the color was hard to capture